Citizen Science during Covid-19

During these uncertain times going outside has been one of the only methods of respite and adventure people can really participate in. Many citizen science programs, events and volunteering opportunities have been limited/ cancelled. Thanks to technology we can reduce these limitations and open up new opportunities and worlds for people to explore. 

During this time I have seen so many more people outside hiking, biking, going on picnics and doing water-sports. People are beginning to explore nature in new ways, places and with new perspectives than before. Anytime I am out using my iNaturalist app I get so many questions about what I am doing and how it works. People have a thirst for knowledge and information and if all they need is a phone to understand nature they are experiencing right in front of them, they are willing to try. 

While hiking this past weekend at Patuxent Wildlife Refuge I was kneeling down taking pictures of some water lillies I found. An older couple approached me asking what app I was looking at with the water lilly information sheet and I explained to them what iNaturalist was. They downloaded it to one of their phones on the spot and began using it immediately. Although we cannot get close to people during this pandemic I was able to share experiences, stories and knowledge with them. Now they have the tools to be citizen scientists and explore the environment they were already enjoying in a new educational way. 
